

Parents of beneficiaries looking overwhelmed by JAF award

Beneficiaries and one of the parents in pensive mood

Beneficiary and parents in pensive mood

Fr. Makata, Prof. Okanya, Matthew Attah and Enyinnaya Amu during the inaugural award ceremony on July 29, 2018

BOT Chairman, Mr. John Agu JP making a point to Enyinnaya Amu, Prof Sylvester Okenyi and Engr. Chris Okenyi

President, Ozor Ogbonna Amu (Onwa netiri Ora) reading his address

BOT Chairman addressing the gathering during the inaugural award ceremony

Beneficiaries cheerfully showcasing their wards in dummy cheques

Parents of beneficiaries digesting the President's address

Oke Nnabuchi (President's Nephew), President and Ozor Chief Raphael Amu giving applause

Prof. Sylvester Okenyi and Engr. Chris Okenyi expressing joy during the inaugural award ceremony on July 29, 2018

President admonishing the beneficiaries

Engr. Joel Ezugwu, President, Ozor Ogbonna Amu (Onwa) and Victor Okwor-Mba exchanging banters during the inaugural award ceremony

Miss Eze Ugochukwu Odinaka joyfully displays her maiden educational assistance cheque for 2017/2018 academic sessions.

Rev Fr. John Makata, Dean of Aku Catholic Deanery praying over the palliatives donated by JAF to St. James’ Catholic Church Parishioners during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Some Board members of JAF (John Echibe Okechukwu) in red cap and John Agu JP wearing Ishiagu presenting some palliatives to the Parishioners of St James’ Catholic Church during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the picture are the parish Priest, Very Rev. Fr. John Makata and Parish Zonal leaders which include Madam Helen Agu.

Mrs Patricia Nwoke (middle), her husband Mr Timothy Nwoke(3rd from right) and Family visited JAF Founder/President, Chief Marcel O. Amu (1st from left) to express their gratitude on the assistance rendered to her. 1st from right is Mr OchiWAR, a renowned Master of ceremony who spearheaded the drive for assistance. Mrs Nwoke is fast recuperating to the glory of God.