Didigwu Innocent Ejike

Name: Didigwu Innocent Ejike
Village/Town/LGA/State: Offienyi, Aku, Igbo-Etiti LGA, Enugu State
Parents Names: Mr. Didigwu Clement and Mrs. Didigwu Cecilia
Schools Attended: Community Primary School Aku and Community Secondary School Aku
Current School: University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN)
Course of Study: Geography Major
Year of Study: 3rd year (3/4)
Graduation Year: 2021(next year)

Situation that led me to JAF

After my secondary school, because of lack of finance, I went to Opanda in Uzo-Uwani L.G.A, Enugu State where l engaged myself in small farming activities. Later, l got admission on 2016 to study Geology and there was no money. In 2017, I got admission again in the same University of Nigeria, Nsukka to study Geography. Then on 29th July 2018, behold through the JAF intervention, I was able to have a sure source of fund for my schooling. I pray that the good Lord will continue to strengthen the President/Founder of JAF and the Boards of Governors and Trustees of JAF.

Life aspiration

I am aspiring to be educated, to get a better job after my graduation and to liberate my family from hardship. I also aspire to be a light to the society and to help those that are in need.

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The Foundation accomplished so much in the last two years of its existence

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what Beneficiaries say

When I heard about Janet Amu Foundation, I went and got their form. God made it successful for me. I am very grateful for what the Foundation has done in my life.

Amadi Callistus Ejike


JAF is the only educational assistance foundation that is known for transparency; the only foundation that doesn't discriminate. JAF is the best of it's type and the President/Founder of JAF is the most compassionate man I have ever seen.

Agu Chukwuebuka Moses


I don't think this page would contain all I have to say about this Foundation. I thank God in a special way for the founder of JAF, Chief Mr Marcel Amu for his generosity and open handedness to all the beneficiaries.

Eleje Chetachukwu Jude


Janet Amu Foundation intervened in my education in 2018/2019 academic session when my education was endangered by lack of funds.

Ezeobollo John Izuchukwu
